4 Simple 30 Minute Home Treadmill Routines for Maximum Benefit
Integrations Team·August 19, 2020

So you've bought your new Treadmill for your home Gym (hopefully House Things ;-) Now it's time to get moving and make the most of it. So we've put together 4 Simple 30 Minute Home Treadmill Routines which we're sure will give you Maximum Benefit. So put on your running shoes and lets get running.
This exercise routine will fly through and it will give you a great cardio workout and gradually build your speed and stamina.
- Start walking at a comfortable speed for one minute.
- Next move into an easy five minute jog. Take it easy, don’t push yourself.
- These five minutes are about warming up to get the blood flowing an warming up your body and muscles.
- Next run three quarters to full pace for 30 seconds.
- Ease back to a slow jog or walk for 90 seconds to catch your breath and get ready to do it again.
- Repeat this cycle another 9 times in total should last 18 minutes.
Time to cool down with an easy 4 minute jog.
This workout combines running, walking and stepping side to side, which will give your glutes and quads and good workout.
- Begin your warm up with an easy walk for 5 minutes at a comfortable pace
- Now start with a light jog for 4 minutes.
- Go back to a walking speed and hold on to the side rail, twist to the side and drop down into a squatting position, and then start side-shuffling your feet. Keep holding on to the rail.
- Continue stepping side to side for 30 seconds and then return walking forward.
- Increase your pace to an easy jog 2 minutes. Slow back down to a 30 second side step on the opposite side the last walk.
- Continue this routine with 2 minutes of easy running, then 30 seconds of side stepping.
- Alternate sides as you go. Keep this up for 20 minutes
- The cool down with a light 5 minute jog.
Treadmill workout 30 minutes.
Assuming your treadmill has an incline here is a great workout. It takes you running and running to walking which makes it quite achievable and gives your glutes some good toning.
- Start your routine with a 5-minute warm-up with a light jog or even a fast walk with the incline at 1%.
- Now raise the the incline to 2% and walk for 1 minute.
- Lower incline to 1% and run at a comfortable pace for 1 minute.
- Increase the incline to 3% and walk for 2 minutes.
- Lower incline to 1% and run at a comfortable pace for 2 minutes.
- Increase the incline to 4% and walk for 3 minutes.
- Lower incline to 1% and run at a comfortable pace for 3 minutes.
- Increase the incline to 4% and walk for 4 minutes.
- Lower incline to 1% and run at a comfortable pace for 4 minutes.
- Finish with a 5-minute cool-down of easy jogging or brisk walking.
In total you’ll end up with a 30 minute workout. Way to go!
This running and walking treadmill workout is a great calorie burner. So lets get moving!
- Set the treadmill incline starting at 1% set off on a 3 minute walk or light jog.
- Then follow this routine.
- 30-second medium-paced running/30-second walk
- 1-minute medium-paced running/1-minute walk
- 2-minute medium-paced running/1-minute walk
- 3-minute medium-paced running/1-minute walk
- 4-minute medium-paced running/1-minute walk
- 3-minute hard running/1-minute walk
- 2-minute hard running/1-minute walk
- 1-minute hard running/1-minute walk
- 30-second hard running/30-second walk
- End the session with a 2 minute light jog to cool down with.
Total treadmill workout 30 minutes - Awesome. You've smashed it!